Changing the Tide of Toxic Water One of the most essential elements to sustaining life may be slowly poisoning the residents of Tampa Bay. Recent studies and tests performed on Tampa’s residential water supply found antibiotics, nicotine byproducts and other harmful chemicals lurking in the drinking water, according to The Tampa Tribune. While the local government has written these tests off and claimed there is no immediate concern due to the fact that the levels were very low, no one really knows the long-term effects of ingesting these contaminants. How should the public react to toxic water and work toward a more sustainable public water system? One of the main concerns of residents is the outcome of these various chemicals mixing together to form a new toxic recipe. Although the local government isn’t making any moves toward improvement, people are concerned about the possibly toxic water they’re bathing in, cooking with and drinking. With the skin being the largest organ in the human body, these small levels of chemicals are making their way into the body. There currently aren’t any regulations on these chemicals found in the water supply, so the city isn’t required to report the findings to any governmental agency or the general public, according to The Tampa Tribune.
Tampa Bay may have contaminated water, but everyone everywhere should pursue safe water.
Dee Ann Miller, a spokeswoman for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection stated, “At this time, no research has shown that concentrations of these substances reported in recent studies pose a threat to drinking water supplies. Research is ongoing, especially on the effects of multiple chemical constituents at low concentrations.” Although Miller was attempting to calm fears and concerns, her statement actually is quite alarming. So, the question that faces most of the country is what to do with the water. The safest solution for residents is to purchase a home water filtration system that uses reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis removes everything from the water, including beneficial minerals, but those missed minerals can be accounted for by eating a well-balanced diet. Most cities facing a similar problem as that of Tampa are ignoring the issue because of the lack of regulation. One of the most proactive ways to help alleviate this growing issue is to educate people how to prevent this from continuing to happen. According to Oregon State University, most of the contaminates found in drinking water are due to human activity. The overuse of pesticides, littering, urban runoff and leakage from landfills all contribute to water contamination. Recycling and the proper disposal of waste are the most effective ways to prevent the contamination of public drinking water, claims Green Student U. The Green student organization says the best ways to recycle are:
  • Reuse any items that you can
  • Buy biodegradable products
  • Store all liquid chemicals and waste in spill-proof containers
  • Eat organic foods that are grown without pesticides
  • Don’t use pesticides
  • Use a drip tray to collect engine oil
  • Buy products that have little packaging
  • Don’t dump motor oil on the ground
The solution to this growing issue is to implement sustainable eco-friendly activities. Be responsible if you ever have to use chemicals in your home or on your lawn. Dispose of the chemicals appropriately and see if there any agencies in your city that can recycle or reuse the chemical or oil you’re discarding. Avoiding the use of all pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and chemical fertilizers is an excellent way to reverse the tide of toxic water. Using natural and organic approaches to lawn care and growing a garden will keep toxic chemicals from seeping into the city’s public water system. Avoid the use of traditional household cleaners that contain chemicals that end up down the drain. Use all-natural cleaners to promote a safe and healthy planet. Each person taking personal responsibility is the way to not only improve water pollution, but also to improve all areas of the environment. Check with your local water facility and ask for a printout of the contaminates found in your drinking supply. Gather people with a like mind and contact your city and state government with your concerns in order to see a change for future generations.