Sets of colored bins sitting curbside throughout neighborhoods in the U.S. are a sight that is becoming all the more common. Recycling, yard waste and good old fashioned garbage bins are popping up at homes nationwide. And some places, where recycling is still an endeavor that is still reserved for the “uppity,” several states are rightfully mandating the recycling of everything from milk cartons to tree trimmings. In recent years, Illinois has passed legislation that adds a new dimension to its recycling efforts, that of electronic waste. One company in particular, Abt Electronics, is taking this as an opportunity to flex its eco-friendly muscle and unabashedly lead businesses into the 21st century.
Since 1936, Abt Electronics (then known as Abt Radio) has grown from a company with three employees in a small storefront in the Logan Square area of Chicago to one of the Midwest’s premier purveyors of home and office necessities. It is a widely recognized retailer in the region and has become so without bending to the whims of corporate America — Abt is still a family owned and operated business. This supplier offers everything from MP3 players to washing machines and garners further recognition for its innovative sustainable practices.