Gap is a retail giant that needs no introduction. Gap, Inc. owns the Gap brand as well as Old Navy, Banana Republic and Piperlime, an online shoe store. Gap employees, even at the lowest level, receive loads of training, even including how to fit the most clothing into a bag efficiently. Gap launched the Product (RED) line several years ago, donating a portion of its proceeds to The Global Fund, which provides daily medication to AIDS patients in Africa. It is clear that Gap leaders understand global responsibility.
In line with those actions is Gap’s latest in-store promotion. Gap’s Recycle Your Blues program is running now through October 20. Bring old denim jeans to Gap for recycling and get 30% off a new pair of regularly priced 1969 jeans. Win for you, win for the planet.
Recycle Old Jeans at Gap
Now through October 20, bring in your old jeans to Gap and get 30% off a new pair.