Originally posted on Treehugger.com. We’ve just released an updated version of the TreeHugger iPhone app and we’re excited to tell you about the improvements we’ve made. This version of the TreeHugger iPhone apps includes some great new features, as well as two new partnerships. First, is a partnership with 1-800-RECYCLING.com, which will provide users with information on where to recycle different materials in your area. We’re also now incorporating environmental news from around the web using Dygest. More on that after the jump. If you’re not using the TreeHugger iPhone app, here’s a quick breakdown of what the app does and why you should check it out.

Photo courtesy of Treehugger.com

What’s New in TreeHugger iPhone App Version 2.0? In version 2.0 of our app, we’ve made some improvements to not only the appearance, but some key functions. Here’s what has been improved:
  • Significantly enhanced home screen with pull-to-refresh and integrated categories
  • Explore TreeHugger for days and days with better archival access
  • Comment on any post and read the latest comments from other readers
  • Bookmark your favorite posts and browse them later in the app
  • Dygest.com integration for the latest intelligently-aggregated green content
  • 1-800-RECYCLING.com integration to find locations near you that recycle the materials you need
  • Updated graphics for iPhone 4
  • Built and tested against iOS4, includes fast-app switching
More on Version 2.0 Improvements Adding commenting tools to the app will allow you to participate in the on-going discussions that take place at the bottom of each post. And the bookmarking functionality should come in handy when you see an article that you want to read later or a post with photos and videos you’d like to watch when you return to your computer. Our partnership with 1-800-RECYCLING.com is especially exciting. By clicking on the “Recycling” button on the app, you’ll be shown a list possible materials that can be recycled. Just select the material you are trying to recycle and the app will show you a map with all of the locations where that material can be dropped off. Our Dygest partnership will allow us to provide you with intelligent summaries of interesting content from around the web. By pulling together links from multiple sources covering a story, Dygest produces short summaries of important stories to help you catch up with the latest news. Links at the bottom of a summary will take you to the full articles when you want to read more. Those are the main updates for this version. We welcome your feedback on the app and hope you enjoy using it! If you don’t already have it on your iPhone, please download the TreeHugger iPhone app right now and tell us what you think after using it! By Chris Tackett, Treehugger.com Source: Treehugger.com