Indoor air quality is just as important as outdoor air quality, but it’s easy to neglect your air filters, especially when they’re in the basement concealed in a heating and cooling unit.
Energy Star recommends that household air filters be
changed every three months, because a dirty air filter can cause your heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system to run less efficiently due to the build-up of debris. So, along with saving energy, you can prevent your family and guests from breathing in less pollution by abiding by these air filter maintenance guidelines.
Now that you may be more inclined to change your air filter regularly, it makes the job easier to know that the
Fresh Air Club delivers new air filters and recycles old ones for you.
Joni Bock is the co-founder and CEO of the Fresh Air Club, and she is also a nurse, pet owner and mother, which further drove her passion to increase homeowners’ overall health via air quality. The Fresh Air Club provides members with superior filtration so they no longer have to breathe in dust, dander and dirt all while supplying them with air filters that are cheaper than retail store brands. Convenient delivery is a part of the deal as well!
As long as you’re located in the 48 contiguous United States, the Fresh Air Club can send you up to four air filters every 30, 60 or 90 days — your preference. You can
compare plans easily to see which one is right for you. The air filters are high-efficiency, pleated-panel MERV-11 designs.
According to the
EPA, air filters with a MERV rating between 7 and 13 are almost as effective as a HEPA filter. From dust mites, bacteria and mold, to pollen and pet dander, these air filters are constructed to capture harmful particles living in your air space.
The deal gets greener because The Fresh Air Club also provides
recycling as a part of its services. All you have to do is place the dirty air filters in a pre-addressed, postage-paid mailer and call FedEx so they get delivered properly to the Fresh Air Club’s recycling center. Since close to 300 million air filters are thrown away annually, it’s important to recycle residential air filters and keep them out of landfills.
The Fresh Air Club offers various options to customize your plan, and there is a wide selection of standard and over-sized air filter options. By changing your air filter regularly, you reduce your home’s energy consumption, and by recycling your dirty air filters, you’re completing a wonderfully eco-friendly cycle in your home every 30, 60 or 90 days.