The simple definition of a book is this: hundreds of pages of printed text bound between a front and back cover. But, depending on who you ask, you’ll get a vastly different interpretation of what feelings it can evoke.
For some, if they were forced to live out their days on a deserted island, a book would still be the very last thing that they’d cling onto for their sanity, perhaps due to challenges they may have had while in school. Sometimes dreaded, brain-confounding subjects make us so numb that we associate books (in general) with things that make us go blah.
Mention the word “book” to a dyed-in-the-wool bibliophile, however, and it’s a different story all together. In fact, you can often see their eyes dancing while they describe how and why their latest bookstore acquisition is as sublime as it is positively addictive. You’ll often find that these are the type of people who habitually tote 20 pounds of books along with them in order to read what they want precisely when the whim strikes. Plus, they’re partial to handmade book covers, clip-on lights and other seemingly must-have accessories that make the experience just a bit more… cushy.
Read Between the Lines of Old Books with These Repurposing Ideas
Old books can do much more than collect dust. Behold, the reuse possibilities!