Electronic Recyclers International (ERI), the nation’s leading recycler of electronic waste, has been awarded the GSA Environmental Services (Schedule #899) contract, effective immediately. Having this GSA contract allows ERI the ability to offer their state-of-the-art sustainable electronic recycling capabilities to the federal government. ERI is listed under the contract number GS-10F-9999X.
“We are thrilled that the U.S. government, America’s largest consumer of electronics, is now ready to do business with ERI, America’s largest recycler of electronics,” said John Shegerian, Chairman and CEO of ERI. “Working with GSA, we can begin to transform how the government recycles its electronics and make a real difference for the environment.”
ERI is the world’s first recycler of electronics to be fully dual-certified in both R2 certification
and the Basel Action Network’s e-Stewards certification at every one of its operating locations.
Winvale, a leading government contracts consultancy, assisted ERI in achieving the contract.
“We are proud of our work in helping ERI establish a leadership position in the federal market,” said Brian Dunn, Managing Partner at Winvale. “They are truly the leaders of the electronic recycling industry — from sustainability to technological innovation to protection of individual and organizational data privacy. Their customers at the federal level will appreciate the simplicity the GSA Schedule offers them.”
ERI’s GSA Schedule award is a direct result of a complex process in which GSA evaluated ERI’s professional capabilities, organizational structure, performance history, financial viability, pricing and customer satisfaction. As a result, ERI is qualified to capture task orders directly from federal government buyers for the next 20 years.
For more information on recycling needs, visit electronicrecyclers.com or urbanmining.org.
About ERI
Now the largest recycler of electronic waste in the U.S., Fresno, CA-headquartered Electronic Recyclers International is licensed to demanufacture and recycle televisions, computer monitors, computers and other types of electronic equipment. ERI processes more than 120 million pounds of electronic waste annually at its locations in California, Washington, Colorado, Indiana, Massachusetts, Texas and North Carolina. For more information about e-waste recycling and ERI, call 1-800-884-8466 or visit electronicrecyclers.com.