America Recycles DayAs mentioned previously, recycling has been a challenge in Rhode Island due to the fact that we can only recycle #1 and #2 plastics. So, whenever Rhode Islanders have a chance to take part in recycling days, most of us jump on the opportunity! Here in Newport, our Clean City Program, through the Newport Public Services Department, offers opportunities throughout the year for hard-to-recycle items not just for residents of our city, but for other area residents as well. This year, Newport’s annual Fall Recycling Day will be held on Saturday, November 19 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. in the Easton’s Beach east parking lot, 175 Memorial Blvd. There, residents will be able to recycle a wide variety of items, from Styrofoam, to bikes, to cooking oil, as well as purchase new recycling bins and compost bins. This event is part of Keep America Beautiful’s America Recycles Day (which technically falls on Tuesday, November 15), and any area resident may attend free of charge. The Clean City Program will be encouraging “Earth Day is everyday” by giving away pens that have the phrase printed on them. There will also be America Recycles Day pins, stickers, bookmarks and pencils available. “This event has turned into something residents look forward to,” said Kristin Littlefield, the City of Newport’s Clean City Coordinator. “Since 2008, the Spring and Fall Recycling Days have kept 100,000 pounds of material out of the landfill.” All vendors listed will take items on a first come, first served basis:
  • Paper shredding service (paper will be recycled): bring up to four banker-size boxes of paper to be shredded. Waste Management will also be available to recycle your cardboard box.
  • Electronic waste: Computers/CPUs, monitors, televisions and more. No small appliances.
  • Rigid plastics not normally collected in the curbside recycling program: old recycling bins and trash barrels, plastic toys, buckets, milk crates, laundry baskets, plant pots and more. No plastic food packaging. Plastic accepted by Waste Management.
  • Styrofoam (polystyrene): All Styrofoam packaging must be labeled “PS” with a “6” below it. No packing peanuts. Plastic utensils will also be collected, but must be packaged separately and rinsed.
  • Clothing and household items for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ocean State: Gently used items such as: anything made of cloth — clothing, blankets and more, household items and small appliances. Many restrictions; please see above-referenced website.
  • Books for Reading Tree: hardcover, paperback, any age — child or adult, DVDs, VHS tapes. No magazines, phonebooks, catalogs or books that have mold or mildew.
  • Bicycles/bikes: working and “salvageable” bicycles will be accepted for recycling for the East Bay Met School to teach students and community members how to fix bikes.
  • Plastic bags: plastic grocery and shopping bags, clean and dry produce bags, newspaper sleeves, dry cleaning film, toilet paper and paper towel packaging; bread, bagel and sandwich roll bags. Collected by the East Bay Met School. Bags must be clean and dry.
  • Cooking oil: Newport Biodiesel will accept all vegetable cooking oil for recycling, which is turned into biodiesel for vehicles and home heating oil.
One thing to note is that this collection is not for hazardous waste, therefore, items such as paints, fluorescent bulbs and other hazardous waste will not be collected at this event. No scrap metal or other items not listed above will be collected. But that’s not all that’s being offered at the Annual Fall Recycling Event this year. The Clean City Program will be selling recycling bins to Newport residents at a discounted rate and you can bring your old, broken recycling bins (in any condition) to be recycled that day. Also, Earth Machine compost bins will be sold by the Clean City Program for just $45 each (they retail for more than $100). Visit to see the exact bin that will be available. For the elderly and handicapped that are not able to attend the event, local Boy Scouts will be collecting items from them. A very limited number of appointments will be available on a first come, first served basis by calling the Clean City Program at (401) 845.5613. For a complete list of items that will be accepted at the Annual Fall Recycling Event, take a look at the City of Newport’s Clean City Program flyer and to learn more about the event. For more information about America Recycles Day, be sure to follow 1-800-RECYCLING on Twitter and ‘Like’ us on Facebook.