The day comes when your car (which has been clunking along on its last legs wheels for what seems like forever) reaches the end of the road, leaving you with memories of all the roads you traveled together through storms and sunshine — and a whole bunch of metals and parts. When the time comes to say your final goodbye to Old Rusty, what do you do?
Read on and then decide.
End-of-life vehicles like Old Rusty have been a global problem for years. In the U.S. alone, 10 to 11 million vehicles reach the end of their lives and are taken off the road every year, but what happens once they are taken off the road varies. Although there has been plenty of talk by various governments on the subject of vehicle disposal procedures, little action has been taken. There is currently no legislation governing the management of end-of-life vehicles in Canada or the U.S. So, you don’t have to recycle Old Rusty, but what you could do is at least consider the following.
- 80% of your old vehicle can be recycled.
- 42% of all new steel in this country comes from recycled metal.
- Using recycled metal saves energy consumption by up to 74% and water consumption by 40%. It also reduces air pollution by about 86% and water pollution by 76%.