Utilizing “Eco profiles,” Nokia has empowered consumers to make smart, green decisions when choosing smartphones.
Cell phones are more popular than ever. In 2010, according to Gartner, Inc., there were 1.6 billion mobile devices sold, up 31.8% from 2009. Mobile phones are rapidly becoming more prevalent than watches, and studies have estimated up to 91% of Americans use cell phones. As this technology becomes more engrained into our everyday lives, the question of sustainability becomes more important.
At Nokia, employees understand this and strive to create every Nokia device with the environment in mind. Over the years, Nokia has been able to reduce its environmental impact significantly. The greenhouse gas footprint of Nokia phones has been reduced by up to 50% between 2000 and 2010. And, since June 2010, the company has provided an estimated environmental impact for all of its new products. This information is available through each product’s Eco profile.
For example, the Nokia 700 is “Nokia’s greenest smart phone to date and the industry leader in using bio and recycled materials.”
The Nokia 700 smartphone
Here is just a selection of the Nokia 700’s Eco profile:
Energy efficiency: This device has a Power Save mode, ambient light sensor and an unplug charger reminder.
Materials: As an industry leader in substance management, Nokia works to proactively manage and keep track of all the substances in its products, not just those that raise concerns. This phone is free of many materials that because of health concerns are considered controversial like polyvinyl chloride (PVC), brominated and chlorinated compounds and it is free of nickel on the product surface. It also contains recycled metals in inner parts of the product, bio-based materials in the cover and inside and bio-based paints on the cover.
Packaging: Nokia works to minimize the environmental impact of its packaging by selecting sustainable materials, reducing packaging size, reducing the volume of material used and considering what happens to the package when it is no longer needed. The packaging for the Nokia 700 is made of up to 60% renewable and recycled material. It is also 100% recyclable.
User manual: Contains an in-device e-guide, online help and a Quick Guide in the box printed in black and white.
Nokia also states the environmental impact of this device over a product life cycle, including three years of usage. The company estimates its impact is equal to driving 33.55 miles in a typical family car — not too shabby for three years of daily usage.
When my current smartphone is no longer able to perform, I’ll be giving Nokia a serious look. If you are using the Nokia 700 or any of the company’s other “greener” smartphones, let us know how you like it and if it really is as “smart” as they say.