
Recycling in Little Rock (pop. 196,537) is accomplished via a standard single-stream program that has proven successful. Clear and simple, the program is citywide. Coupled with a number of other recycling programs and initiatives, Little Rock residents can recycle just about anything they would have in their homes.
Materials recycled
Including newspaper, white office paper, junk mail, magazine, brown paper bags, phone books, cereal boxes and envelopes. Paper products must be placed in a paper bag and then placed in the recycling bin. Corrugated cardboard can be flattened to pallets 3×3 or smaller and placed next to recycling bin.
Plastics #1 and #2 bottles and containers with slender necks (any color accepted)
Aluminum and steel cans
Clear, brown and green glass bottles and containers (rinsed)
Plastic bags
Collected in one plastic bag and tied off
Curbside pick-up occurs weekly, coinciding with regular trash pick-up. Recycling bins must be placed curbside within 3 feet of trash bins by 7 a.m. on the day of pick-up. Day of pick-up depends on location: the northwest side of town on Mondays, the north side on Tuesdays, central Little Rock on Wednesdays, the west side on Thursdays and the south side on Fridays. A
map is available for reference.
Other programs
Little Rock hosts a number of other recycling options beyond its curbside pick-up program. For those not serviced curbside, there are three
drop-off recycling centers in the area that offer collection on Saturdays from 7 a.m. to noon.
The Northwest Police Station (10001 Kanis Rd.) hosts free electronics and household hazardous waste drop-off on Thursdays (7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.) and every first Saturday (7 a.m. to noon). Items accepted include computers and monitors, VCRs, TVs, A/V equipment, copiers, phones, herbicides, pesticides, car batteries, household cleaners, antifreeze, pool chemicals, light bulbs (fluorescent and mercury), motor oil and gasoline. Any HHW items must be properly sealed and clearly labeled.
Yard waste is also collected on a weekly basis. Organic materials must be placed in a bag or can no larger than 30 gallons (do not place in recycling bins or trash bins) and no heavier than 50 pounds. Items must be curbside by 7 a.m. on pick-up day.
More information
Visit the
City of Little Rock Solid Waste Division website for more recycling program info.