Welcome fine feathered friends into your back yard with these repurposed and recycled feeding station ideas:
Sure, pinecones are still fair game in the world of earthy, bird-worthy feeding perches, but the perennial peanut butter and seed feast can be easily adapted to cardboard toilet paper roll cores, as well.
A fine mesh produce bag can live on in avian infamy when it is filled with larger-sized seed varieties and protected with an outer metal fence to discourage squirrel freeloaders (a repurposed tomato cage would work especially well for this application).
A 2-liter plastic soda bottle crowned with a reclaimed tree bark roof would make a handsome bird-feeding addition to anyone’s garden, plus the kiddies would have a blast putting it all together.
Take advantage of the natural design of a muffin pan to create a simply inspired yet weather-resistant birdseed buffet.
An old log drilled with holes offers a basic but durable feeding option, but if you’re willing to commit a bit more time to your DIY project, weathered fence boards will also do the trick.
Candle fans are typically perplexed regarding what to do with the glass lids crowning their favorite wax varieties. Amazingly, those lids can be transformed into individual feeding perches with just a bit of heavy gauge wire. Who knew?
Ever thought about welcoming winged creatures to their brand spanking yet not-exactly-new glass wine, beer or liquor bottle feeder? Down the hatch!
Similarly, an empty coffee can or tiered tuna cans could do the job quite nicely as well.
Don’t let those old, unappreciated holiday ornaments go to waste. They’d be happy to moonlight as hanging tree-branch feeders.
An old plastic liquid soap container can actually look quite elegant when it is upcycled into a dandy, dangling birdie munching zone, complete with a strategic peek-a-boo hole.
Got chopsticks? How ‘bout a soda can? Then you have the raw ingredients for a super cheap bird feeder that all the neighbors will undoubtedly admire.
Stacked clay pots painted in contrasting colors? Great idea, and oh so durable!
Thirty-Plus Eco-Wonderful Bird Feeders You Can Make Today
Slinkies, boomboxes, even orange rinds are transformed into quirky recycled bird feeders that will make your fine feathered friends visit again and again.