A small town on the north Oregon Coast puts its creative and earth-friendly minds together to produce one of the most inspiring art shows you’ll see, the 14th annual Trash Art Show in Manzanita, from July 5 to 8, 2012.
Local artists spend months working with reclaimed, repurposed and recycled materials to create fabulous works of art that amaze the mind. Last year’s art show included 84 area artists, utilizing a wide array of art mediums. CARTM, a recycling provider based in Manzanita, has been inspiring creative reuse of materials with its annual Trash Art Show. Beginning in 1997, the event has outgrown two venues. This year, CARTM is partnering with a local arts nonprofit, the Hoffman Center, to co-produce the exhibition. The Trash Art Show not only fulfills CARTM’s mission of creative reuse of materials, but has also produced a group of highly adept trash artists who make art from discards. These ingeniously creative pieces have become sought after by a growing group of collectors who often arrive at the show before opening time to have first pick of the work. With the new partnership, CARTM and the Hoffman Center are adding a pre-opening event on July 5 to the show’s three-day run. This event will be by ticketed admission, and only 100 tickets will be sold. The public opening and reception for the artists is free, and record attendance is expected because of the show’s holiday weekend date.
CARTM began to offer small-scale recycling services in 1990 with just a single trailer in a vacant lot in Manzanita. By 1997, CARTM had received its 501(c)3 status and successfully received the franchise to operate the local transfer station. Twenty-two years later, CARTM is fully engaged in its mission: “Leading our community to zero waste.” What our mission means to us: Our staff and board of directors all love what we do at CARTM and believe deeply in our mission. Our customers and community love to visit and utilize CARTM’s services. Everyone enjoys seeing the thriving vibrancy of this vital organization. We’re providing an inspiring service, as out-of-town visitors regularly ask us how they can have a CARTM in their community. Who knew that CARTM would become a local tourist attraction and destination by weekend visitors. We remind ourselves every day that our number one job is to support our community’s efforts to recognize and recover value in normally discarded materials and inspire creative reuse of those materials whenever possible. CARTM receives donations of all kinds for its resale store. Each year, the best of the best of those donations are offered at a silent auction. CARTM recycles more than 40 different items — more than most facilities in the country. CARTM operates a transfer station, a recycling center and a resale store. Check cartm.org for hours of operation and more.
The Hoffman Center
The Hoffman Center is an Oregon 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that supports and encourages artistic, cultural and educational activities in north Tillamook County by providing facilities, funding, promotion and other assistance. Lloyd and Myrtle Hoffman were longtime beloved residents of Manzanita. Upon their passing, their trust directed that their home and assets be used to start a community center for the arts and education. Founded in 2004, the Hoffman Center is the still-developing fulfillment of their dream — a place to nurture artistic endeavors — creating, performing and appreciating. More information about the Hoffman Center and its many offerings is available at hoffmanblog.org.About the author