Of all the rooms inside the typical home, we spend the greatest amount of time in the bedroom. In fact, the average person requires between seven and eight hours of basal sleep in order to function optimally, but that’s an elusive pipe dream for 60 million U.S. citizens annually.
Among the top reasons given for chronic insomnia, experts say that personal and work-related stress, poor diet, depression, stimulants and even an unconducive sleep environment can, in varying ways, contribute to the problem.
Did your eyeballs zero in on that last sleep deprivation factor? What a great reason to rethink the way that you decorate your bedroom. Rather than being a tech-heavy, exercise, work and entertainment depot, your sleeping quarters should ideally be absent of all gadgets so you can instead create an entirely serene yet welcoming vibe. One way to accomplish that is to install a homemade headboard.
Nine out of 10 enthusiastic planetary stewards even insist that the quality of your zzzs will increase by leaps and bounds when you take the time to craft one with recycled materials. Hmm, let’s see. It’s not so much of a stretch to suggest that creating a Zen-like headboard is good for your body (welcome to snoozeville), your wallet (no cash, check or credit necessary) and the planet (bring on the dumpster diving). Need a bit more convincing? Then do it for the rush of crafty-creative endorphins you will experience when you turn something drab into something positively eco-fab!
One-of-a-Kind, Trash-to-Treasure Bedroom Headboard Ideas
Open your imagination up to an unconventional, recycled headboard to accent any bedroom.