
The City of Albuquerque (pop. 555,417) website kindly reminds its residents that they each throw away more than 1 ton of waste per year, while gently suggesting that much of this waste can be recycled if properly sorted. Albuquerque is on the cusp of a major recycling program change: implementing a citywide curbside recycling cart program by the beginning of 2013.
For years, the city has relied upon sturdy recycling bags (which are available to residents at many locations throughout town) for curbside recycling pick-up. After instilling a 10,000-cart pilot program in 2011, some 21,000 more households received carts throughout 2012. Those still wondering when they will get a 96-gallon cart can check
Materials recycled
Including office paper, colored paper, newspapers, magazines, junk mail, corrugated cardboard, cereal and cracker boxes, phone books, books (hard and soft cover), paper egg cartons, soda boxes, milk cartons and juice boxes.
Plastics numbered 1 through 7, including screw-top jugs with a neck smaller than the base, 2-liter bottles, plastic milk jugs, bleach bottles and rigid plastics like crates, hampers and toys.
Including tin, aerosol and aluminum cans; pots and pans; and small metal appliances.
Glass is
not accepted at curbside. See below for drop-off details.
Yes, some electronics can be disposed curbside in Albuquerque, including cell phones, cameras, peripherals and rechargeable batteries.
Curbside pick-up occurs on a weekly basis. Carts must be placed curbside by 7 a.m. day of pick-up and must be 5 feet from automated trash bins. Carts cannot be loaded to exceed 100 pounds.
Other programs
The City of Albuquerque offers a number of
drop-off recycling locations (14 at press time) where residents can drop off paper, plastic bottles, corrugated cardboard, tin and aluminum cans. Glass (all colors) is also accepted at these locations — important for all Albuquerqueans since glass is not accepted curbside.
Though some e-waste can be placed in Albuquerque’s new recycling carts, many items still need to be dropped off at the designated service center, Eagle Rock Convenience Center (6301 Eagle Rock Ave. NE). Open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., the service center accepts computers and peripherals, fax machines, CRT monitors, circuit boards, mice, typewriters, DVD and VHS players, stereo equipment, iPods, thumb drives, hard drives, LCD monitors, scanners, printers, cables and cords, memory devices, telephones, smartphones, drills, small tools, laptops, servers, plotters, modems, keyboards, copiers and cameras. Please note: TVs are not accepted, and a $5.25 fee is assessed per load.
Yard waste (leaves, grass and brush) is collected curbside twice annually (once in the spring and once in the fall, with a 40-pound limit) for City of Albuquerque Solid Waste Management customers. During other times of the year, yard waste can be dropped off at the city’s convenience centers.
More information
Visit the
City of Albuquerque Recycling website for more recycling program info.