
Recycling collection in Cleveland (pop. 390,928) is in the midst of a major change: an automated recycling and waste collection program that is slowly expanding throughout the city. The program, set to be fully implemented in about three years, utilizes a 64-gallon blue recycling bin for curbside pick-up. The pilot program for this automation expansion began three years ago with about 15,000 households and has expanded every six months since.
Materials recycled
Including newspapers, magazines, catalogs, junk mail, phone books, flattened corrugated cardboard boxes and grease-free pizza boxes.
All rigid, clean plastics numbered 1 to 7. Plastic bags are
not acceptable.
Including aluminum cans and steel/tin cans (rinsed).
Glass bottles and containers accepted (rinsed).
Curbside pick-up occurs on a weekly basis. A collection map is available
Other programs
The City of Cleveland offers free document shredding at the Division of Waste Collection (5600 Carnegie Ave.). Cleveland residents can drop off up to five boxes or bags of documents (sans staples or paper clips) on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Clevelanders can take recyclables to more than 40 recycling drop-off locations throughout the city. A
location map is available online.
E-waste is collected during weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Division of Waste Collection (5600 Carnegie Ave. and 3727 Ridge Rd.). Residents can drop off CPUs, keyboards, mice, monitors, printers, modems, software, ink cartridges and cell phones. Special Saturday e-waste “round-ups” are scheduled for a few times per year as well.
Household hazardous waste is collected the first Friday of each month and on select Saturdays throughout the year from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Division of Waste Collection locations listed above. Items accepted: latex (non-oil-based) paints, shellacs, varnishes, primers, sealers, spray paint, adhesives, wood stain, paint thinner, mercury (sealed in a plastic bag or container), pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, automotive products, motor oil, roof tar, fluorescent bulbs and oven and drain cleaners.
The city also offers a scrap tire round-up one week per year. Residents can drop off up to 10 tires (no rims) free of charge at the Division of Waste Collection locations. 2013 dates are TBA.
More information
Visit the
City of Cleveland Recycling and Environment website for more recycling program info.