FedEx Corp. recycles in a big way. Since June 2006, which marked the beginning of FedEx’s recycling program, the company has recycled 93 million pounds of material.
The company also replaced traditional packing materials like bubble wrap and Styrofoam peanuts in recent years. In 2009, FedEx Ground started using a special machine that shreds used cardboard packaging into a flexible packing material called “cardboard shred.”
Since 2009, FedEx Ground has placed 40 of these machines at key hubs and stations, with an annual estimated rate of return of 13% on this investment by eliminating the need to purchase new packing materials.
In addition, the boxes used to send paper reams to FedEx Office locations are made of chip paperboard that is 100% recycled, 100% recyclable and 100% made from post-consumer reclaimed fiber. And it is printed with water- and soy-based inks. This product is certified by the Forestry Stewardship Council, as are the facilities that manufacture the box.
Here are some of the ways FedEx is facilitating sustainable practices within the corporation, from the company’s 2011 Global Citizenship Goals & Progress Update:
- Ground Green: FedEx Ground and EPA Waste Wise work together to help team members reduce landfill waste by recycling everything from paper and cardboard to wooden pallets.
- Waste Watch: FedEx Freight Local Environmental Action Facilitators monitor waste consumption, recycling efforts and water usage at FedEx Freight sites.
- Through simple changes like electronic shipping and transitioning to reusable safety deposit bags instead of disposable envelopes, FedEx Office has been able to make many small changes that benefit both customers and the environment.
- The FedEx Express overnight envelope is composed of 100% recycled paperboard.