Whoa, you don’t really want to slam dunk that perfectly shiny PET container into your recycling bin quite just yet, do you? Don’t get me wrong. It is fantastic that you are making a conscious effort to keep reusable material out of the waste stream, but there is another way that you can step up your eco-living just a bit. Prior to bidding one-time-use packaging an official farewell before it receives the final mega-meltdown treatment at your local municipal recycling facility, give various types of plastic containers another opportunity to shine. Yup, a bit of crafty tweaking will be involved, but that’s half of the fun.

What to do with a fully intact plastic beverage bottle

Plastic Container Party Favor
Plastic container party favors. Photo courtesy of parents.com.

What to do with a plastic beverage bottle (some modification necessary)

Plastic Bottle Art Vessels By Caroline Saul
Plastic Bottle Art Vessels By Caroline Saul. Photo courtesy of carolinesaul.co.uk.

What to do with other types of plastic-based post-consumer packaging

Plastic Bottles Elephant Wall Sculpture
Elephant wall sculpture made from plastic bottles. Photo courtesy of lacasapark.com.