
New Orleans recyclingCurbside recycling in New Orleans (pop. 366,250) was discontinued following Hurrican Katrina in 2005, and did not reappear until a resurrection in 2011. The new program is offered to those households and small apartment buildings that are signed up for refuse collection with the city, excluding the French Quarter and Downtown Development districts. The single-stream collection program has a somewhat limited range of accepted materials (no glass and few metal products), but it does accept plastics labeled 1 through 7 — a feat that few programs offer.

Materials recycled

Paper Including office paper, newspaper, magazines, catalogs, junk mail, phone books, cardboard, paperboard and waxed juice and milk cartons. Plastics Plastic items numbered 1 through 7 Metals Including aluminum, steel and tin cans. Glass Glass is not accepted at the curb.


Curbside recycling pick-up occurs on a weekly basis. Carts must be placed curbside at least 5 feet from any obstructions by 7 a.m. day of pick-up. A collection schedule and maps are available online.

Other programs

A recycling drop-off center at 2829 Elysian Fields Ave. is open the second Saturday of each month (excluding Mardi Gras), from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Accepted materials include all curbside recyclables, plastic bags, tires (up to four at a time), computer hardware and accessories, telephones, telephone systems, cell phones, DVDs, video games, MP3 players, portable GPS devices, printers, toner cartridges and inkjet cartridges. The city also offers Mardi Gras bead recycling and paper shredding on occasion. Check the website listed below for up-to-date events.

More information

Visit the City of New Orleans Curbside Recycling website for more recycling program info.