If you live in the Columbus, OH, area and are looking for a helpful way to green the city, then you should think about getting involved in the city’s Earth Day plans.
This year, Columbus is “standing together” during the weekend leading to Earth Day (April 22) inviting volunteers to participate in its seventh annual Earth Day celebration, titled “Earth Day 2013: Stand Together.” According to the official event website, Columbus’ Earth Day celebration is the largest volunteer service effort across the country where hundreds of volunteers partake in a variety of activities across the region. It is the city’s opportunity to make Columbus a “greener community with healthier rivers, taller trees and a lighter impact on [the city’s] natural environment.” On April 20 and 21, volunteers can lend a helping hand in planting trees, pulling invasive plants, cleaning neighborhoods and preparing gardens, along with more than 100 other regional eco-friendly activities. Not only will the hard work pay off and benefit the planet, but participants will also be rewarded. When the Earth Day activities are completed, volunteers, friends, families and community members can celebrate with the entire city on Saturday, April 27. Local bands, food trucks, environmental groups, green businesses and others will unite at Columbus Commons (160 S. High St.) to commemorate Earth Day 2013 and the city’s green accomplishments. You can truly make a difference. Over the years, more than 40,000 hours of voluntary labor has resulted in the planting of 19,000 trees throughout the region. That’s just one statistic. If you are looking to get involved, visit the Earth Day Columbus website. You can volunteer online and choose the perfect worksite for you, your family and friends. The worksite list goes for miles! In addition to hands-on volunteering, you can also attend special Earth Month expos throughout Columbus in honor of Earth Day. For example, you can go to the Banff Mountain Film Festival at Ohio State University and watch some creative and inspiring outdoor adventure films. Or, if you want to learn about gardens, OSU offers an Heirloom Garden Spring Workshop. Check out all the other activities here. Columbus definitely is not slacking on the Earth Day awareness. Check it out this weekend if you are near the capital of the Buckeye state!Columbus, OH, Residents ‘Stand Together’ This Earth Day
During Earth Day weekend (April 20-21), Columbus is teeming with more than 100 eco-activities.