America Recycles Day falls on Friday, November 15, and San Leandro, CA’s Davis Street Resource Recovery Complex (2615 Davis St., San Leandro, CA 94577) will celebrate with an event the day after, promoting recycling while giving away reusable materials to attendees.
Founded in 1997, ARD is the only nationally recognized day for recycling and buying recycled products in the U.S. Many events are held all over the country on or around this day in order to encourage the public to learn about recycling and make decisions that will help keep our environment clean and safe. Anyone who wants to register their own ARD event can do so on the ARD website. On November 16, the DSRRC will host I (Heart) Recycling Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Members of the San Leandro community can take part in the multiple events, including touring the recycling facilities, creating holiday crafts and strategies for recycling, taking part in a “ready set recycling” contest and more. DSRRC Recycling Program Manager Rebecca Jewell expects about 400 participants who are interested in learning more about what happens to materials once they are picked up from the curbs of their homes. Those who are interested should also stop by to drop off electronics and hangers for recycling. Guests can also donate purses, clothing, shoes, books, magazines, DVDs or VHS tapes that will be reused through the local St. Vincent de Paul chapter. Attendees can also take home a free bag of compost and up to 5 gallons of recycled latex paint. The DSRRC, which is operated by Waste Management, is a recycling, organics processing and residual transfer station for the Bay Area. More than 2 million pounds of material are processed through the complex each day.East Bay City Celebrates America Recycles Day
San Leandro, CA, hosts an America Recycles Day event on Saturday, November 16 that includes recycling facility tours, strategies for recycling and more.