Some companies just get it. They understand that consumers are now savvier about e-waste and are looking to the manufacturers that have created this waste to do their part. Not only are price and performance considerations when purchasing a big-ticket electronic item, but more people are also now becoming concerned about where their used electronics are going. And, with more municipalities restricting the kinds of products that can be thrown into our landfills, consumers are even more aware of the growing e-waste issue.
Haier, a global leader in home appliances and consumer electronics, has recognized this and is committed to the safe recycling of electronic products and product materials through its partnerships with Electronics Recyclers International and Creative Recycling Systems.
For example, as of April 2011, all residents of New York State have the choice to recycle their unwanted electronics free of charge. This program also includes nonprofits with 74 or fewer employees and businesses with 49 or fewer employees. As required by the New York State Electronic Recycling and Reuse Act, Haier is obligated to accept all of its brand-name covered electronics equipment and one piece of electronic waste of any manufacturer’s brand with the purchase of a similar Haier product.
Items that can be recycled:
- Small electronics, including VCRs, DVRs, DVD/Blu-ray players, cable receivers, digital converter boxes and game consoles
- PDAs, portable digital music players and other personal e-devices
- Televisions