“CURBY” is the name of the blue rolling cart that allows for commingled curbside recycling in Cedar Rapids, IA (pop. 128,119), joining its refuse (“GARBY”) and yard waste (“YARDY”) counterparts. More than 38,000 households in the city are provided weekly recycling collection.

For those sincerely interested in becoming the best recyclers they can be, the City of Cedar Rapids hosts the
Elite Recyclers Program, a three-session course designed to help residents understand the recycling program and the recycling processes in Cedar Rapids and surrounding Linn County. Sign-up information for 2014 courses is now available online.
Materials recycled
Accepted items include corrugated cardboard (flattened), newspapers, junk mail, magazines, catalogs, office paper (staples/paperclips OK), paperboard, phonebooks, shelf-stable cartons (rinsed), refrigerated cartons (rinsed) and shredded paper (placed in a secure paper bag).
Plastic bottles numbered 1 through 7, water bottles, milk jugs and plastic food containers are accepted. All items must be rinsed. No Styrofoam, plastic bags or plastic lids accepted.
Aluminum cans, tin/steel cans, aluminum foil and aluminum pie tins are accepted.
Glass food jars and glass bottles are accepted (no lids). Glass products must be placed in a 2- to 5-gallon plastic glass collection bin that is collected the same day as CURBY.
Cedar Rapids residents take recyclables to the curb on a weekly basis, same day as refuse collection. CURBYs must be at the curb by 7 a.m. on day of pick-up. A collection
map and
collection calendar are available online.
Other programs
Cedar Rapids hosts periodic electronics and household hazardous waste collection events. For information on the next collection date and a listing of acceptable drop-off items, visit the
City of Cedar Rapids website.
The green YARDY yard waste bins are collected every week on the designated recycling and refuse collection day. Accepted organic items include leaves, fruit and vegetable peelings, sticks and twigs (less than 5 inches in diameter), paper plates, napkins, paper towels, grass clippings, dryer lint and human and pet hair. YARDYs must be placed at the curb 3 feet from any obstructions (other collection bins, vehicles, poles, etc.).
Needles and medical sharps can be dropped off at designated spots around Cedar Rapids. All needles and sharps must be placed in a sealed container (sharps container, detergent bottle, bleach bottle, etc.). Collection points:
- Cedar Rapids Solid Waste & Recycling Division main office (500 15th Ave. SW), Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Cedar Rapids Linn County Solid Waste Agency (2250 A St. SW and 1954 County Home Rd. in Marion), Monday through Saturday, from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
More information
Visit the
City of Cedar Rapids Recycling website for more recycling program info.