

Charming Savannah, GA (pop. 142,022), is known for its southern hospitality, historic buildings, strong arts and cultural scenes and its mighty oak trees that flourish throughout the city grid. The city is certainly green, from both a bird’s-eye perspective and a recycling perspective. Savannah residents recycle at the curb two times per month using 96-gallon single-stream roll carts. All materials collected at the curb are taken to the Pratt Industries materials recovery facility on the west side of the city for sorting and resale to recyclers.

Materials recycled

Paper Accepted items include loose paper, newspapers and inserts, magazines, catalogs, junk mail and dry, flattened paperboard and corrugated cardboard. Plastics Hard plastic containers numbered 1 through 7 (rinsed):
• #1: Soda bottles, beverage and mouthwash bottles, plastic food jars
• #2: Milk and water jugs, detergent containers, cleaning product bottles, oil containers, plastic toys
• #3: Cooking oil containers, garbage cans, salad dressing bottles
• #4: Food-storage containers
• #5: Bottle caps and tops, video cassette tapes
• #6: Clean food trays, plastic cups, disposable utensils, plastic toys, garbage cans
• #7: Plastic containers, plastic plates
No Styrofoam or plastic bags accepted.
Metals Aluminum cans and tin/steel cans are accepted. Glass Glass bottles and containers (all colors; rinsed) are accepted.


Savannah residents take recyclables to the curb on a biweekly basis, same day as refuse collection. Recycling carts should be at the curb no earlier than 5 p.m. the day prior to collection and no later than 7 a.m. on day of pick-up. They must be returned to property by 7 p.m. on collection day. A collection schedule is available online.

Other programs

Savannah’s Recycling Complex Education and Drop-Off Center (14 Interchange Ct.) is open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., for locals to drop off various recyclables, including those items listed above. Additionally, the center takes white goods such as washers, dryers, ovens and refrigerators for proper recycling. For further information, contact the Recycling Coordinator Office at 912.651.1967. Goodwill Industries of Savannah’s computer store (7220 Sallie Mood Dr.) accepts old electronics items for refurbishment and eventual resale. All items are securely wiped of all personal data before being offered to Goodwill customers at a reduced price. For more information, call 912.354.611, ext. 192.

More information

Visit the City of Savannah Recycling & Litter Services website for more recycling program