Pet owners go through a lot of different products, whether they are bags of food, leashes, collars or toys. This is why it is best to look for sustainable or recyclable brands or products the next time you go shopping for your furry friends. One exceptional, eco-friendly toy for cats is
The Great Green Cat Toy.
The Great Green Cat Toy is made by “cat toy extraordinaires” and Petaluma, CA, residents
Brooke Radloff and Tim Talbott, who were interested in an environmentally friendly pet project. The toy they crafted is made from recyclable and reusable materials, including labels and packaging, and is 100% recyclable and 90% biodegradable itself. Best of all, each of the materials used are made and manufactured right here in the U.S.
The cylindrical-shaped toy features an opening containing three balls for cats to touch and paw at during playtime. The opening is large enough for average-sized cats to fit their paw and arm into to roll and bat the balls. The shape of the toy itself allows it to roll across a room, enticing cats into chasing and pouncing, and it is also large enough for cats to wrap their bodies around.
This design is sure grab a cat’s attention and can keep it entertained for hours on end. You can watch the Great Green Cat Toy in action
The Great Green Cat Toy has no small, breakable pieces that could potentially harm cats. If owners wish, they can even place catnip or other toys their cat enjoys inside of the toy’s cylindrical opening. You can order the toy on
Brooke and Tim’s website.