Orlando-International-Airport.jpg Since the beginning of 2010, Orlando International Airport in Orlando, FL, has been one of many American airports making an increased effort to incorporate sustainability practices. With an assist from the Environmental Affairs Committee of Airports Council International, OIA made some serious changes to ramp up its recycling efforts, reduce energy consumption, improve sustainable terminal design and construction, reduce water consumption and other environmental practices. To celebrate its commitment to sustainability, OIA will hold an event on Friday, November 14 in honor of America Recycles Day. OIA’s first sustainability goal was a simple but massive proposition: Reduce its solid waste contribution to landfills. Utilizing a few strategies, including increasing diversion rates, expanding terminal-wide single-stream recycling and intensifying airport recycling efforts in respect to stakeholders, OIA was met with resounding eco-success. A sample of OIA’s major recycling accomplishments from 2012 includes:
  • 75 tons of paper
  • 591 tons of cardboard
  • 27,000 energy-inefficient lamps
  • 380 printer cartridges
  • 3.5 tons of batteries
  • 3.6 tons of scrap metal

America Recycles Day event details

Location: Orlando International Airport, 1 Jeff Fuqua Blvd., Orlando, FL 32827 Date and time: Friday, November 14, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Event description: OIA will engage its travelers, visitors, Orlando area residents and employees by setting up several tables in the main terminal building near the Hyatt Hotel. From 10 a.m. through 2 p.m., airport partners will educate their passersby on the airport’s recycling programs and offer recycling tips. Bring the kids for fun games and attractions like cornhole, “can people” costumes, “the bag lady” (a plastic bag-enveloped stilt walker preaching the benefits of shunning plastic bags) and a “guess the number of bottle caps” contest. In addition, aluminum cans, glass bottles, newspapers and plastic bags will be collected on site for recycling. For more information: Contact event organizer James Miles at 407.825.7341 or [email protected]. ARD14.jpg