If you know me at all, you know that I try to
avoid using plastic whenever possible. For the health of my family and the environment, I strive to find plastic alternatives or reuse and recycle the plastics that do make it into our home. As such, I am always on the lookout for creative ways to reuse materials.
Here are some ways I have discovered to reuse plastic tablecloths:
1. Reuse it for a drop cloth for messy craft or painting projects.
Many years ago I picked up a two-pack of plastic tablecloths from the thrift store. I was organizing a crafting playdate and knew that I needed to cover the table with something waterproof, or I might live to regret it. I still have those tablecloths. I wash and dry the plastic after we use it, and put it in one of our paint supply containers. We have used the same one over and over again.
2. Make a no-sew bunting.
Remember the bunting we made with our fabric scraps a few months ago? Check out
5 Upcycle Ideas for Summer Style. You can do the same by cutting your plastic tablecloth into either banner shapes or triangles and attaching them to a cord. It now has a second life as an indoor/outdoor banner for your next party, and it can be reused again and again.
3. Make a no-sew poncho.
This could be used for messy craft projects or for sitting in a summer rain waiting out a rain storm at your favorite ballpark. It’s as easy as finding the middle and cutting a hole for your head.
4. Turn your plastic tablecloth into plastic yarn or “plarn.”
Then you have a material you could use for a number of projects like crocheted coasters, placemats or reusable bags. For more information about making “plarn” projects, visit
this site for tons of step-by-step tutorials.
5. Reuse it to make a hula skirt.
Halloween is fast approaching and my favorite part of this holiday is encouraging my daughters’ creativity. We brainstorm what kinds of costumes they would like to make and then we raid the fabric bin, recycling bin, closets and so on. If we can’t find the materials we need at home, we move on to our local thrift store. For more information on why I encourage homemade costumes, read
Scary Facts About Halloween Costumes. To make an upcycled plastic tablecloth hula skirt, first measure the waist of the person who will be wearing the costume. Cut the appropriate amount. Then cut strips up to the waistband. I secured the waistband with a safety pin because we will reuse this skirt but you could also use some pretty duct tape. Add a flower or two and you have a quick and adorable hula skirt.
6. Make some pompoms.
This blogger has some adorable ideas for making pompoms out of plastic bags. The same ideas could be used for plastic tablecloth material.
There are many great ideas for reusing plastic tablecloths, and these are just a few.
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.” – Proverb