Halloween was just the other week, which means you will probably ended up buying bags and bags of candy for your kids or other children who stopped by to say trick-or-treat. But, what should you do with all of that leftover candy? Recycle it! Here’s how:
Give it to the troops.
Operation Gratitude collects excess Halloween candy every year and sends it in care packages to troops who are stationed overseas. This is a great way to get the candy out of your house without it going to waste.
How can you get it to the troops? Ask your dentist if they participate with this program. Usually, dentists and orthodontists ask their patients to bring in leftover candy so they can send it to Operation Gratitude. If your dentist isn’t part of this program, visit the Operation Gratitude website to see how you can participate. Just be sure to take out any candy that will melt in the heat since these packages have to travel across the world to get to their final destination!
Put them in gift bags.
If you have school-aged children, offer to help their teachers with the next classroom party by putting together gift bags with leftover Halloween candy. Many classes will have small parties before the Thanksgiving break, so this would be a great time to offer to handle the gift bags.
Find new ways to eat it.
Although you may be sick of eating the candy as is, you could keep the leftovers around and use them in other ways. For example, melt the solid chocolate bars down and dip strawberries or banana slices into the liquid chocolate for a quick dessert. Or, crush the candy bars and sprinkle them on top of sundaes or milkshakes next time you’re craving something sweet. Smaller pieces of candy can be combined with nuts and pretzels to create a sweet trail mix that kids and adults will love. If you love baking, keep your Halloween candy and use it in as many of your future creations as possible!
Sweeten someone else’s day.
Brainstorm different charities or organizations in the community that may welcome excess Halloween candy. Many children’s hospitals or women’s shelters would love to have families come in and donate their leftover candy. So, spend an afternoon making a few phone calls to see who is still accepting candy, and then bring your kids along for the trip.
Be crafty.
Set aside the candy that no one wants and pull it out next time you’re feeling crafty. Certain candies such as peppermints, gumdrops, and licorice can be used to decorate gingerbread houses around the holidays. Or, grab your leftover candy corns and glue them around the border of a plain, wooden picture frame to create a unique gift for someone special in your kids’ life.
So, instead of forcing yourself to eat candy until you feel like you’re going to explode, eat until you feel satisfied and recycle the rest using these tips!