Last November, the country came together to celebrate America Recycles Day. On this day, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) asked people across the country to raise awareness about recycling and encourage others to participate in their local recycling program. This day of observation was limited to people in the U.S., but now people around the world finally have an opportunity to join the recycling movement with the Global Recycling Day on March 18th.

This year marks the first ever Global Recycling Day, which is an initiative launched by the Bureau of International Recycling. Although this is the first celebration, the Bureau of International Recycling hopes to turn it into an annual event.

This organization’s goal is to teach individuals, businesses, and communities to think of recyclables as resources as opposed to waste. In fact, the creators of this event want people to start thinking of recyclables in the same way they think of water, air, and other natural resources.

Seven Concrete Changes

The Bureau of International Recycling believes that world leaders need to make seven concrete changes regarding recycling. These changes include:

  • Focusing on the development of international recycling laws
  • Supporting research to find better and more efficient ways to recycle
  • Launching marketing campaigns that are designed to educate the public on the importance of recycling
  • Fighting for free sustainable trade of recyclable materials between companies around the world
  • Developing a universal language of recycling so people in different countries can communicate about this pressing issue
  • Supporting the development of community initiatives that encourage businesses and residences to reuse and recycle
  • Working with industry leaders to encourage manufacturers to “design for recycling”

If these changes are not made, the Bureau of International Recycling believes the growing population will continue to strip the planet of its resources instead of reusing the resources that are available.

How to Get Involved on Global Recycling Day

It doesn’t matter which corner of the world you’re in—you can be a part of Global Recycling Day! The organizers are encouraging everyone who is passionate about taking care of the planet to sign a petition that asks world leaders to make recycling legislation a priority.

After signing the petition, be sure to send it to friends and family members and encourage them to do the same. The more signatures this petition gets, the more likely it is that world leaders will pay attention to it.

Another way to celebrate Global Recycling Day is to learn something new about recycling. Have you always wondered how a certain material was recycled? Are you unsure of what materials your local recycling center accepts? March 18th is the perfect day to finally get the answers to these burning questions.

Share any interesting recycling news with your network on social media. There’s no better way to spread awareness than to post information on social media, so start sharing. While you’re logged in, don’t forget to follow the official social media accounts of the Global Recycling Day initiative. This will ensure you receive timely updates about the event so you can share them with all of your friends and family members.