Planning My First Container Garden
May 7, 2010
Starting a container garden is as easy as finding a container to reuse and prepping the soil for planting.
Melissa Hincha-Ownby is a freelance writer based in Arizona. She writes about a variety of environmental topics, including green business, green building, eco-friendly vehicles, the importance of a green economy and raising two eco-conscious children.
In addition to writing about the environment, Melissa's other writing passion is special needs parenting. As the mother of two children with special health care needs, she knows the importance of providing support and information to other families on a similar parenting journey.
May 7, 2010
Starting a container garden is as easy as finding a container to reuse and prepping the soil for planting.
April 30, 2010
If you choose prepackaged snacks, do the right thing when you have finished.
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Providing simple, easy-to-understand green suggestions to your kids is a great way to spread the Earth Day message.
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Participating in a TerraCycle brigade is a great way for businesses to recycle items that aren’t traditionally recycled while giving back to a charity of their choice.
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The HS 250h’s plastic-based carbon dioxide emissions are reduced by nearly 20%.