• Where Is the Future of Recycling Headed?

    April 17, 2023

    If you go back in history, recycling started in the 9th century when the Japanese would reuse paper to make new paper. In the U.S., it wasn’t until the 17th century that cotton and linen rags were collected and reused to print newspapers and bibles. Recycling was slow to catch on and didn’t really catch on […]

  • Key Facts About Food Waste in Landfills and How You Can Help

    March 16, 2023

    Have you ever stopped to think about the amount of food waste going to landfills each day? Estimates are that each year, people throw out as much as 1,000 pounds per person. Half of this waste takes place during consumption, such as taking a bigger portion than you’re able to eat. Here are some facts […]

  • A person separating recycling

    How to Recycle Items That Aren’t Accepted In Your Blue Bin

    February 28, 2023

    When an item in your blue bin shouldn’t be in that bin, two things happen. First, improperly recycled items can damage the recycling equipment. Second, workers have to remove the incorrectly recycled items and move them to trash bins to be hauled to the landfill, which raises operating costs.Items that are typically accepted in blue […]

  • Recycling separated

    Ten Companies That Are Establishing Innovative Recycling Programs

    February 13, 2023

    Per the EPA, over 292 million tons of waste were generated in 2018 and only 94 million tons were recycled or composted. Only a third of all generated trash is recycled, so there’s a lot of room for improvement.Sometimes, people cannot find appropriate ways to recycle items they know are made from recyclable materials. Your […]

  • Recycling symbol out of paper.

    What States Are Enacting New Recycling Rules in 2023?

    February 1, 2023

    Recycling is a big deal. During the pandemic, it also became a big issue. Landfills and recycling centers were overloaded, sick, and couldn’t keep up with the decluttering, online ordering, and work-from-home changes that had residential bins and wheeled containers overflowing. As things returned to the new normal, new challenges appeared. People didn’t want to keep […]

  • Top 10 Items You Put in Recycling But Shouldn’t Be

    December 19, 2022

    About five pounds of waste are generated by Americans every day. In one year, more than 292 million tons of waste were generated, and only 94 million tons were recycled or composted. Some were burned for energy, but over 146 million tons ended up in landfills across the nation.You want to do your part, but […]

  • Halloween Candy Wrappers Are Hard to Recycle!

    November 10, 2022

    An estimated 600 million pounds of Halloween candy was handed out on October 31st. Each miniature or full-size candy is individually wrapped in a plastic wrapper. While that small wrapper may seem insignificant to you, add them all up. 600 million candy wrappers, plus the plastic bags they come in and the plastic bags some […]

  • What’s All the Buzz About Pyrolysis for Recycling Plastic?

    October 31, 2022

    There’s been a lot of talk about pyrolysis being the solution to the plastics recycling problem. Is this method the solution that some experts believe it will be? What is all the buzz about?There are Problems With Plastics RecyclingBefore you even get into the purpose of pyrolysis, you have to look at the current problems […]

  • How Long Does It Take Many Common Materials to Break Down in a Landfill?

    October 11, 2022

    Have you ever considered the importance of recycling? Of course, there are the logical reasons for recycling. You don’t want the chemicals from a battery getting into the groundwater, air, or soil. Another aspect, and it’s one that most people don’t stop to think about, is how long it takes these common materials to break […]

  • How Can You Support a Circular Economy?

    September 5, 2022

    You keep hearing about a circular economy, but you’re not sure what it is. A circular economy is best summed up as an economy where consumers, communities, and manufacturers work together to reduce waste by reusing recyclable materials.How a Circular Economy WorksTake a closer look at exactly what happens with a circular economy. Start with […]