When your electronics reach the end of their lives (or become obsolete in favor of the newest shiny gadget), there are plenty of places to responsibly drop them off that aren’t the garbage can or landfill. Try the convenient locations below or enter your ZIP code at the recycling location finder.
  • The Salvation Army — The next time you have some clothes or furniture to donate, bring along your old computer. If it’s working, just be sure you clear off the hard drive first, because it’ll probably be resold. (If it’s not working, it may still be sold for parts.)
  • Staples — This ubiquitous office supply store accepts rechargeable and NiCd batteries, CRT computer monitors, computers, electronics, inkjet printer cartridges, laser toner cartridges and cell phones.
  • Best Buy — Wherever you see its yellow sign, you can drop off TVs, CRT computer monitors, DVD players, cameras, computers, stereos, inkjet cartridges, batteries and cell phones. Best Buy even has kiosks inside the front door of each store to make the process easier.
  • Office Depot — Another familiar sight in many a strip mall, Office Depot will take your rechargeable and NiCd batteries, CRT computer monitors, computers, miscellaneous electronics, inkjet printer cartridges, laser toner cartridges, cell phones and TVs.