“With the destruction of the natural world ramped up to epidemic proportions, one wonders what ‘sustainable’ really means. Is it enough to focus on the how-to of ‘green living’ in the face of such overwhelming force, the ‘shock and awe’ of forest and ecosystem destruction, the rampant plundering of the world’s oceans, the terror of GMO-contaminated food, and the unintended consequences of biotechnology? We wish to move the company forward boldly and with a new sense of urgency. While continuing our commitment to remain at the forefront of information about green building, organic growing, and renewable energy — the practical aspects of sustainability — we will also publish for a new politics of sustainability, for the cultural resistance that living demands of us now.”Other popular titles published by Chelsea Green include The Straw Bale House (more than 120,000 copies sold); the national bestseller Don’t Think of an Elephant! by George Lakoff (more than 250,000 copies printed in six months); and the New York Times bestseller, The End of America by Naomi Wolf. When you purchase from Chelsea Green, make sure to check out the “WorthIt” logo that is included on each book. It reads, “This book may cost more because we use post-consumer recycled paper, which is significantly more expensive than ‘virgin’ paper. We hope you’ll agree that it’s worth it.”
Chelsea Green: Publishing While Focusing on Triple Bottom Line
For 26 years, the Vermont-based publisher has released green-themed books utilizing recycled paper and other conservation methods.