Twelve Amazing Ways to Repurpose Old Magazines
September 4, 2014
That old stack of magazines? Reimagine it as incredible upcycled home décor.
September 4, 2014
That old stack of magazines? Reimagine it as incredible upcycled home décor.
December 17, 2013
Paper has been recycled since 2400 B.C., the first paper mill was established in 1960 for recycling, books continue to fill landfills worldwide.
November 19, 2013
Recycling paper provides important benefits, both to the economy and the environment.
February 21, 2013
Florida artist Derek Gores pieces together recycled magazine bits and labels to create collage portraits.
August 26, 2011
For 26 years, the Vermont-based publisher has released green-themed books utilizing recycled paper and other conservation methods.
August 9, 2011
Recycling books has never been so monumentally beautiful — and ultimately lasting — as when 30,000 volumes were assembled to create the “Tower of Babel.”
July 6, 2011
Australian artist Kylie Stillman carves trees out of books — and thus the very living things that gave their life to be turned into printed matter in the first place.
September 7, 2010
If you are nervous about shredding sensitive documents to recycle, here are plenty of great reuse options.