If you’re a fan of recycled art, enjoy helping a worthy cause and will be in the Fargo, ND, area on Saturday, February 4, check out this year’s “Home is Where the Art Is” recycled art show and silent auction. The Lake Agassiz Habitat for Humanity (LAHFH)
ReStore will hold its second annual recycled art event at the Spirit Room Gallery in downtown Fargo.
What art offers is space — a certain breathing room for the spirit.
— John Updike
The LAHFH ReStore contacted area artists and asked them to use their talents to create a piece of art utilizing home improvement materials from the Habitat ReStore. The artists were given a voucher worth $50 to be used at the ReStore. The challenge was to find and purchase materials then turn the reclaimed materials into works of art. This year’s recycled artwork has been displayed at the Spirit Room since January 16.

The mission of LAHFH is to partner with volunteers from the community to build simple, decent and affordable housing for low-income families in Cass (ND) and Clay (MN) counties. To that end, the recycled art will be auctioned off at the event in support of LAHFH’s efforts.
Saturday, February 4, 2012, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. (auction ends at 8:30 p.m.)
The Spirit Room, 111 N. Broadway Dr., Fargo
The event includes a silent auction of the recycled art pieces as well as items from area businesses, a wine tasting from Bernie’s Wines & Liquors and appetizers from local restaurants. Tickets can be purchased for $15 in advance at the ReStore (210 N. 11th St. in nearby Moorhead, MN) , the Spirit Room and
FargoStuff.com. Door price for tickets is $20. You must be 21 or older to attend this event.
Check out the beautiful recycled pieces from last year’s event on
Flickr. For additional information on this event and other news about LAHFH, visit