That tired old bling has far more life left in it that you could have imagined. From home décor and personal effects to unique gifts for friends and family, you’re going to happily raid your jewelry box… and maybe even shake down your grandmother for a few donations!
How to upgrade old possessions with recycled jewelry
- Bestow a belt with extra ta-da or create a fresh new buckle.
- Create decorative hairpieces, clips, combs and hairbands.
- Turn up the volume on a ho-hum pair of sandals by adding beads gleaned from an old necklace.
- Cover an old vase or even a recycled glass container with a thin layer of clay and then press old costume jewelry directly into it to create a sparkling mosaic effect.
- Love bicycle bling? Then epoxy old jewels right onto the frame of your two-wheeler!
- Leather jackets can take on a whole new look when augmented with a bit of recycled jewelry sparkle.
- Most reusable water canteens are run of the mill, but with glue and artful placement, old jewels will make your container shine bright.
- Upgrade sunglass temples with recycled bits and bobs.
- In a few simple steps, transform costume jewelry into an heirloom wedding bouquet that will be admired year after year.
- Sew old costume pieces onto a homemade pet collar.
- Glue jewels around the perimeter of a photo frame or hand mirror.
- Adorn the corner of an old purse or create removable shoe clips that can take a pair of basic shoes into partyville.
- Make your holiday decorations a lot more dynamic with the addition of a few pieces of costume jewelry.
- Glam up a lampshade in your teenager’s bedroom.
- Turn a vintage earring into an eye-catching ring or an old charm bracelet into a quickie pair of earrings.
- Napkin rings, placemats and table runners will look especially glamorous with a touch of recycled jewelry charm.
- Embellish curtain tiebacks and valances, too.
- Gift a friend with a handcrafted throw pillow covered in old jewelry box treasures.
- The rim of a basic flowerpot is perfect fodder for a bejeweled makeover.
- Adorn a jewelry box… with old jewels.
- Gift baskets can be fancied up with select beads and decorative trinkets.
- Rhinestone-encrusted cell phones are tres passé now that recycled jewelry can pick up the slack.
- Care for some sporty spice? Then bling up the shaft of a golf club or an entire tennis racket!
- Thread beads from an old necklace onto wire and then wrap it around wine glass stems.

New-to-you jewelry ideas
- Refashion the cream of your jewelry crop into a new bracelet.
- Create a glittering tabletop or wall-mounted Christmas tree.
- Celebrate with a bottle of bubbly and then save the cork for this DIY necklace pendant project.
- Turn costume baubles into decorative thumbtacks for your bulletin board or refrigerator magnets.
- Take your manicure to a trendsetting new level by placing rescued rhinestones directly into wet nail polish.
- Rubber rescued from an old pair of sneakers makes a rather sporty bracelet.
- Hi Octane Jewelry gives automobile emblems a new purpose — as shiny necklace pendants.
- What a bummer — your camera is no longer in usable condition. In a way, that’s a blessing in disguise, since you can now turn its innards into a necklace or brooch. (The same concept applies to watch parts!)
- Bubble wrap, when heated, morphs into a pearlescent material that looks incredibly jewel-like.
- Remove a zipper from a neglected garment and turn it into a necklace, bracelet or brooch. Apparently, it’s easy peasy.
- An old pair of strappy sandals becomes a new necklace. Here is another example of how to showcase the best design feature from no-longer-wearable shoes into a decorative pendant.
- An empty plastic takeout food container can be transformed into a Shrinky Dink-style plastic bracelet.
- That old toothbrush may not be working its magic on your pearly whites anymore, so now is the time to give it new purpose as a hip, eco-chic bracelet. Ditto for that comb you no longer use!
- Turn old, beaded napkin holders into a bracelet.
- Holiday gift idea: Start making all of your friends one-of-a-kind recycled jewelry keychains!
- You may have long outgrown your Barbie doll, but don’t let that stop you from turning her into a funky ring.
- Strips of an old silk scarf will make a gorgeous new necklace.
- An old leather belt can be transformed into a stylish new wrapped bracelet in no time at all.
- Broadcast your love of art with a handcrafted colored pencil necklace.
- Bend antique silverware into chic new bracelets and rings.