We all have a million little things to think about during the day but one thing that’s always worth our time is doing things that will help the environment for our children. Recycling is good for the environment for many reasons, for example, it saves energy, it reduces greenhouse gas emissions and it helps to reduce the amount of trash that is dumped in your local landfill. Here are 5 more recycling tips for your busy family.

  • Show your family what is recyclable. Half the battle is knowing what can and can’t be recycled in your local recycling program. By showing your kids what should be recycled you are empowering them to take part in the process.
  • Have your family reuse their wrappings. Not only is reusing wrapping paper and gift bags better for the environment, it will save you money and the time it takes to run to the store for a last minute gift bag.
  • Promote a giving attitude. When your kiddos outgrow that adorable outfit teach them to pass it on by donating it to a local charitable thrift store. Your family will be eliminating waste and reducing clutter.
  • Be aware of where unwanted pharmaceutical products should be disposed of in your area. Remind your family that pharmaceutical products shouldn’t be flushed down the toilet, poured into the sink or put in the trash. Find out where you can dispose of unwanted medicines by looking it up here to find a drop off site near you. Taking care of this will help the environment while keeping your medicine cabinet neat and tidy.
  • Start a family compost project. Yard waste can generate a lot of greenhouse gas in a landfill so start composting your yard waste. If your city provides curbside yard waste pickup, be sure you utilize the service. If not, start composting it yourself.

Check out these first 5 Recycling Tips for Your Busy Family at https://recyclenation.com/2017/06/5-recycling-tips-for-your-busy-family/.