AT&T to Switch to 2.6M LEDs in Signage, Save Millions
July 20, 2009
By switching the lighting on signs in 6,500 of its stores to an LED lighting system from General Electric, AT&T will save nearly 6 million kilowatt hours of electricity a year.
July 20, 2009
By switching the lighting on signs in 6,500 of its stores to an LED lighting system from General Electric, AT&T will save nearly 6 million kilowatt hours of electricity a year.
July 17, 2009
With a goal of converting more trash into recycling, volunteers for an MIT research project are attaching electronic tags to items put in the trash in New York City and Seattle.
July 15, 2009
Sara Lee’s sustainability strategy focuses on three key areas — wellness and nutrition, environmental responsibility and social responsibility.
July 14, 2009
The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) will help the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) swap 6,500 old vehicles with a mix of hybrids, flex-fuel and four-cylinder replacements with the help of stimulus funds.
July 13, 2009
The packaging industry is increasing its efforts to deliver sustainable plastic bottles and packaging to food and drink manufacturers and retailers, and in some cases, offering recycling services to turn plastic waste into sustainable materials.
July 12, 2009
Cruise ships and shipping are a massive source of pollution. Moves are underway to explore biofuels for cruise ships, and to utilize cruise ship traffic as a force for conservation- you can even take a look at Kristin’s list of 7 ocean friendly cruises.
July 10, 2009
The EcoLogo Program has started developing a standard that will allow toys to receive EcoLogo certification for meeting certain environmental criteria.
July 10, 2009
What’s that buzzing sound? No it’s not an old cell phone.
It’s the sound of new ideas being generated by the people at AU Recycling as they expand their electronic waste recycling program.
July 8, 2009
The Daily Green by Jim MotavalliThe car I’m driving this week is fast, quiet, environmentally friendly, very well-made and gets excellent fuel economy. It’s a Volkswagen Jetta SportWagen TDI, and it’s a diesel. Uh oh. Until recently, diesels were a very hard sell in the U.S. because they were dirty and polluting. The fuel was […]
July 7, 2009
International Paper has added a new brochure to its Down to Earth environmental series, “Pixels vs. Paper: Are pixels greener than paper?” which takes the stance that paper is friendlier to the environment than electronic devices.