Mike Lieberman on Urban Gardening
May 5, 2010
Think you can’t grow a garden in the city? Think again. Mike Lieberman, an urban gardener, shows you how easy it can be.
May 5, 2010
Think you can’t grow a garden in the city? Think again. Mike Lieberman, an urban gardener, shows you how easy it can be.
January 28, 2010
The latest and greatest in sustainable countertops are comprised of recycled materials.
January 27, 2010
Recycled and sustainable wood flooring is an increasingly popular option in the home.
January 26, 2010
Tanya Stock has always been a fan of salvage. But, today, even dumpster diving can take on an entirely upscale meaning.
December 28, 2009
Traditionally, we use salt to deice sidewalks and driveways. But, salt gathers in soil in concentrated forms and can be destructive to the environment.
November 30, 2009
Joe Biden announced $454 million for the new “Recovery Through Retrofit” plan (aka “Cash for Caulkers”), a stimulus effort to weatherize American homes.
November 12, 2009
Making a backyard compost is extremely easy and very enjoyable. Not only is it good for the environment, but it can also save you money on fertilizers and potting soil.
November 10, 2009
You can spend your time at the grocery store reading dozens of ingredients on labels, or you can concoct your own earth-friendly cleaning products at home.
November 10, 2009
A few minutes of attacking the bottom of the tub with a green cleaning product led to my contemplation of three key differences between this earth-conscious spray and the more traditional chemicals.
August 28, 2009
One of the biggest challenges with indoor living is keeping toxins out of the air.