‘Green Living Guy’ Seth Leitman and Patton Boggs’ Joshua Greene
April 9, 2012
“Green is Good” welcomes ‘Green Living Guy’ Seth Leitman and Patton Boggs’ Joshua Greene to discuss their green initiatives.
April 9, 2012
“Green is Good” welcomes ‘Green Living Guy’ Seth Leitman and Patton Boggs’ Joshua Greene to discuss their green initiatives.
April 2, 2012
“Green is Good” welcomes Practice Greenhealth’s Anna Gilmore Hall and Green Event Planner Deborah Kattler Kupetz to discuss their green initiatives.
March 26, 2012
“Green is Good” welcomes G2 Gallery’s Jolene Hanson and ‘The Green to Gold Business Playbook’ Co-Author P.J. Simmons to discuss their green initiatives.
March 19, 2012
“Green is Good” welcomes Buckminster Fuller Challenge’s Elizabeth Thompson and George Black of ‘OnEarth’ to discuss their green initiatives.
March 14, 2012
The event focuses on linking industry leaders and recycling officials, offering educational sessions, the latest recycling products, equipment and services and networking opportunities.
March 12, 2012
“Green is Good” welcomes Audubon California’s Graham Chisholm and The Ecology Center’s Evan Marks to discuss their green initiatives.
February 13, 2012
“Green is Good” welcomes ‘Beautiful and Abundant’ Author Bryan Welch and Wholesome Wave’s Michel Nischan to discuss their initiatives.
February 13, 2012
“Green is Good” welcomes Electronic Waste Journal’s Ismail Oyekan and GatherGreen.com’s Eduardo Sciammarella to discuss their green initiatives.
February 13, 2012
“Green is Good” welcomes Okabashi Shoes’ Brad LaPorte and Rent a Green Box’s Spencer Brown to discuss their green initiatives.
February 13, 2012
“Green is Good” welcomes NRDC’s Wendy Gordon and ‘High Voltage’ author Jim Motavalli to discuss their green initiatives.