Four Surprising Scrap Metal Furniture Designs
November 30, 2010
Change your preconceived notions about scrap — some outstanding designs can be made from seemingly insignificant pieces of metal.
Beth Buczynski is a freelance copywriter and environmental journalist in the Rocky Mountain West. She specializes in providing online content and community management services for businesses that want to have a positive impact on our world.
So far, Beth has lived in or near three major U.S. mountain ranges, and is passionate about protecting the important ecosystems they represent. She holds an M.S. in Public Communication and Technology from Colorado State University, with a concentration in environmental communication. Beth is the founder of EcoSphericBlog, the editor of CrispGreen, and a contributing writer for Care2. Stay in touch with Beth on Twitter.
November 22, 2010
Eleven U.S. states have bottle bills enacted for glass bottle recycling. Could more benefit?
November 15, 2010
U.K.-based Jeremy May’s pieces of one-of-a-kind book jewelery are a combination of artistic beauty and topnotch reuse.
November 15, 2010
TVs as fashion statements? Designer Elizabeth Olsen thinks so.
November 15, 2010
Just because you’ve finished your wine doesn’t mean you’ve finished the bottle.
November 11, 2010
The best way to reduce the number of trees that are felled to create paper products is to reduce the amount of paper you use in the first place.
October 27, 2010
Your single-stream curbside pick-up may not be the most effective way to recycle glass. These tips can help you recycle more of your glass containers.
October 25, 2010
Using plastic littered in freshwater habitats, Floating Island International creates plastic islands that encourage microbial growth.