Seven Incredible Movie Robots Created Out of Recycled Junk
July 27, 2011
Robots feature in all manner of TV shows and movies, but what could be cooler than recreating the artificial idols out of nothing more than junk?
Jennifer Allison is a writer based in Glasgow, Scotland. She currently writes for Environmental Graffiti, along with Scottish-based publication Line Magazine. She is a recent First Class honours graduate of the Glasgow School of Art and is looking to develop her writing portfolio.
July 13, 2011
A “Dead Star” made of old batteries and a “Black Whole Conference” of chairs formed into a sphere are some of the thought-provoking creations of artist Michel de Broin.
July 12, 2011
Vehicles from the original ‘Star Wars’ trilogy were the coolest things in the movies. What’s more exciting than recreating them using recycled and repurposed materials?
May 13, 2011
Computer mouse devices get steampunked — recycling style!