Why Bees Should be Kept Around, Not Insecticides
April 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon, recently announced it’s banning the use of insecticides in the city to protect the honey bees.
April 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon, recently announced it’s banning the use of insecticides in the city to protect the honey bees.
April 23, 2015
Some U.S. cities are reimagining how to recycle waste and shrink landfills. So, what are they doing differently?
April 23, 2015
Soap is a cleaning necessity, both for our homes and our personal health. But which ones should you be using? Is there too much of a good thing?
April 22, 2015
Fertilizer can’t be recycled in the traditional sense, so what can you do with it?
April 22, 2015
Just like labels on food products, labels on cleaning supplies can also carry dubious claims.
April 22, 2015
When did we start celebrating Earth Day? How did it come to exist?
April 22, 2015
How are countries across the globe honoring the environment and celebrating Earth Day?
April 21, 2015
Don’t throw thermostats, thermometers, light bulbs in the trash! They contain mercury, a seriously dangerous toxin!
April 21, 2015
You don’t need fancy brand names to give your home a thorough cleaning. Consider some of these all-natural, home cleaners!
April 21, 2015
Carol Young uses all sorts of imaginable household items and stuff you would find in the basement to create pieces of art you’d never imagine.