Learning About Glass Recycling from Captain Cullet
September 26, 2012
A glass packaging manufacturer has created lovable cartoon characters to help teach kids about the importance of glass recycling.
September 26, 2012
A glass packaging manufacturer has created lovable cartoon characters to help teach kids about the importance of glass recycling.
October 5, 2011
St. Vincent de Paul’s Aurora Glass products take 100% post-consumer glass and recycle them into new, useful items for the home.
September 29, 2011
Window glass is completely different than traditional glass bottles. But there are still nontraditional ways to properly recycle it.
September 12, 2011
The month-long program is intended to raise awareness and educate consumers about the benefits of recycling glass containers and packaging.
August 24, 2011
Empty wine bottles can be tossed into the glass recycling bin, but they can also be reborn as nifty repurposed items.
June 17, 2011
What do bike chains, eyeglasses, coffee stirrers and beer bottles have in common? They’re wonderful raw materials for chandeliers. Hard to imagine? Seeing is believing.
April 19, 2011
Can art, function and environmental awareness work together when it comes to everyday light fixtures? Artist Tanya Clarke proves that they can with her “Liquid Light” series.
April 6, 2011
Want to make a green statement while also staying squeaky clean? It turns out you have a number of eco-options.
February 9, 2011
Designer Trudi Madison recycles her wine bottles in a kiln and jewelry studio, making one-of-a-kind works of recycled fashion!
November 22, 2010
Eleven U.S. states have bottle bills enacted for glass bottle recycling. Could more benefit?