How to Keep Your Aluminum Coffee Capsules Out of the Garbage
August 20, 2012
While few recycling programs exist for the billions of coffee capsules used annually, many creative reuses have come to light.
Elizah Leigh is an eco-inspired wordsmith capable of captivating readers in just the right manner to facilitate subliminal greenlightenment. If it hasn’t yet happened to you, dear reader, don’t worry... it soon will. She believes that walking on the green side of life isn’t so much about random actions like recycling household materials and eschewing bottled water as it really should be about committing to long-term lifestyle changes that naturally become effortless the more frequently they are practiced — and believe it or not, if you’re looking at the world through green-colored glasses, it’s never a chore.
Working as an eco-journalist for a number of online venues, including Ecorazzi, WebEcoist, WebUrbanist and Causecast, this self-confessed eager greenie and knowledge hound has become deeply entrenched in the world of green living and makes a conscious effort at all times to practice exactly what she preaches. Elizah feels that no one is an "expert" in this field as long as they continue to keep an open mind by acquiring new eco-feathers in their cap — something that she aspires to do with each new article that she authors.
Extremely passionate about greening perspectives as well as lifestyles one carefully selected word at a time, this eco-writer feels privileged to add the 1-800-RECYCLING audience to her increasingly expanding network of green-minded readers. When she’s not tweeting her ever-lovin’ greenie heart out or adding new eco-themed articles to her portfolio, she can be found frolicking outside or shooting the breeze with her menagerie of impossibly needy geriatric felines.
As for what Elizah hopes to bring to 1-800-RECYCLING? Believe it or not, she is convinced that we are all capable of carving out individual and collective legacies in which caring enough about what we do while we walk this earth ensures that future generations enjoy the same basic privileges that we currently do. Can collections of carefully crafted environmentally themed words help facilitate this lofty plan for eco-friendly ah-ha! inspiration? Stranger things have been done to honor Mother Nature. For now, that’s her eager greenie goal, and she’s definitely sticking to it.
August 15, 2012
ReWall recycles juice and milk cartons into durable building materials.
August 10, 2012
Seven of the world’s largest landfills pose major environmental concerns, but found energy benefits ease the impact.
August 6, 2012
Mexico City’s recycling rate has quadrupled in the past year, thanks to the “Mercado de Trueque” recycling incentive program.
August 3, 2012
Offering attention-grabbing reasons to recycle boosts awareness, education and most importantly, recycling rates.
August 1, 2012
Eye-catching conversation starters like these chairs can come to life with a little creative recycling ambition.
July 30, 2012
Items you never would have considered can be collected and recycled into fashionable, practical tables for home use.
July 27, 2012
Provide some pizzazz to a light source by employing these reuse techniques.
July 26, 2012
Cast-aside scraps are repurposed into Hermès’ new line, Petit h, instead of being sent to landfills.